
  1. Tracks from the EP
  2. Play & Download
  3. Description

Tracks from the EP

Get the full quality tracks at Bandcamp; you name the price!
The preview tracks can be downloaded and played in the player below:

  1. Misty Woods.................. [Play] [Download]
  2. Dagon........................ [Play] [Download]
  3. The Doom That Came to Sarnath [Play] [Download]
  4. Just a Glance................ [Play] [Download]
  5. A Dream...................... [Play] [Download]
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Play & Download

Get the full quality tracks at Bandcamp; you name the price!
You can also chose to download or to play the preview tracks in the player below:

The following video shows an intro text announcing the preview track, then the corresponding picture, finally an outro text mentioning that the EP is available at Bandcamp. The picture shows the right side of the rock. A lizard hand coming from behind is touching it.

>> Download "Dagon" << or get it at Bandcamp in full quality
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This music is meant to be heard loud and using appropriate audio gear. It makes strong use of the bass. Due to the lack of low-end frequencies, some headset-phones or lap-top speakers may not allow the music to enfold.

CAUTION: The music is uncompressed and thus dynamic. So, it may appear to be silent. However, it will get as loud as possible. Please start at a reasonable volume level, as usual. Then, after listening the loudest parts, adjust the volume so the bass can enfold. The tracks are short, so listening twice or more is worth the effort - hopefully :D

In the following sections you find the preview tracks from the EP. They are in lower quality (MP3 128 kbps). The full quality EP including a booklet is available at Bandcamp; you name the price!

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